The Science for Population Protection


The publisher of the journal Science for Population Protection - the Institute of the Population Protection is a special-purpose facility of the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Services of the Czech Republic. It provides education, scientific research, informative and advisory services in the areas of civil emergency planning, emergency management, and Integrated Rescue System.

The Population Protection Institute delivers information, expertise, consulting and advisory services to authorities and organizations of the Fire and Rescue Services, Ministries, State and Local Governments and selected physical and legal persons whose activities are significant for ensuring security of the population.

In the area of education and training activities, the Institute in particular:

  • organizes and conducts basic, refresher and specialization courses for civil servants, and language courses for members and staff of the Fire and Rescue Services;

  • contributes to external lectures;

  • consolidates educational methodical aids and materials for training, and promotion of preparing the population for self-protection and mutual assistance;

  • organizes and delivers professional workshops, seminars, conferences with also international participation.

In the field of scientific research, the Institute in particular:

  • provides scientific support for strategic and policy decisions of the Fire and Rescue Services of the Czech Republic;

  • organizes and conducts research for improving the Fire and Rescue Services in the areas of concepts, methods, technologies and technical means to ensure protection of the population;

  • cooperates with universities, colleges, research institutions and other organizations in the implementation of research projects to support protection of the population;

  • methodically manages and directs professional activities of chemical laboratories of the Regional Directorates of the FRC.

In the field of information activities the Institute in particular:

  • collects and evaluates information for the purposes of the FRS CR;

  • processes direct information for the central and executive units of the Fire and Rescue Services, government bodies, legal entities and individuals;

  • prepares analyses of civil protection in the world and their developmental trends;

  • manages special databases and organizes their use within the Fire and Rescue Services;

  • periodically issues publications.

In the area of specialized activities, the Institute in particular:

  • provides expertise, advisory, and consultative activities for the Fire and Rescue Services upon the requests of administrative offices, municipalities, the Integrated Rescue Service units, and for an international, national and departmental cooperation;

  • ensures activity of a mobile chemical laboratory for the FRS of Hradec Kralove and Pardubice Region;

  • oversees and methodically guides the Good Laboratory Practice of all chemical laboratories of the Fire and Rescue Services CR;

  • provides consulting services for the chemical units of the Fire and Rescue Services;

  • provides an agenda associated with the certification methodologies;

  • provides documentation of the incidents and makes educational, promotional, documentary and current affairs videos for the Fire Rescue Services of the Czech Republic, the IRS and the protection of the population, including the required language mutations and secures their distribution, and possibly also their dubbing.
